Indian Post GDS Recruitment 2024: 44228 Posts Download Result, Check Merit List

Total Vacancy: 44,228 (Branch Postmaster (BPM)/Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM)/Dak Sevaks)

State-Wise Vacancy Details of Indian Post GDS Recruitment 2024: Click Here

Brief Information India Post GDS Recruitment 2024: Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill the vacant posts of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) [i.e, Branch Postmaster (BPM)/Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM)/Dak Sevaks] in different offices of the Department of Posts. The applications are to be submitted online at the following link

India Post GDS Recruitment 2024   
Advt No. 17-03/2024-GDS dated 12.07.2024
Total Vacancy: 44228  

Various Vacancy 2024

Application Fee for Others: Rs. 100/-
Application Fee for Female/ SC/ ST / PwBD & Transwomen Candidates: NIL
Mode Payment: Applicants may make payment of the fee through any of the online modes of payment using the link provided for payment. All recognized Credit/Debit cards and Net Banking facility/ UPI can be used for this purpose.

 Important Dates
Online Application Start Date15.07.2024
Last date for online Application05.08.2024
Fee Payment Last Date05.08.2024
Correction Date06.08.2024 to 08.08.2024
Exam DateNo exam, selection on the basis of 10th marks  
AGE Limits (As of 05.08.2024)  

Minimum age: 18 years
Maximum age: 40 years  
Relaxations in upper age limit: –   Category Permissible age relaxation Schedule Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 5 years Other Backward Classes (OBC) 3 years Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) No relaxation Persons with Disabilities (PwD) 10 years Persons with Disabilities (PwD) + OBC 13 years Disabilities (PwD) + SC/ST 15 years
Vacancy Details
Post NamePay Scale
BRANCH POSTMASTER (BPM)Rs.12,000-Rs.29,380/
ASSISTANT BRANCH POSTMASTER (ABPM) / Dak SevakRs.10,000-Rs.24,470/-
Education Qualification
Knowledge of computer
Knowledge of cycling
 Adequate means of livelihood
Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online for India Post GDS Recruitment 2024
Important Links
Download ResultClick Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
Download SyllabusNo exam, selection based on 10th marks  
Download NotificationClick Here
Circle wise Post Notified  Click Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

1. Applicant will have to first register himself/herself on the GDS online Engagement Portal at the link details to obtain the Registration Number.

2. For registration on the Portal, the applicants must have their own active email ID and mobile number.

3. All the important information, including the declaration of the result of shortlisting, the offer of provisional engagement, etc. would be sent to the registered mobile number Email only.

4. The Department will not communicate with the applicant in any other form.

5. Once the applicants register the same mobile number will not be allowed for any further registrations of any other applicant.

6. In case any duplicate Registration is found by altering the basic details, the candidature of all such registrations will be removed from the selection process.

7. Any applicant who forgot the registration number can retrieve the registration number through the option ‘forgot registration. Before proceeding with One-Time Registration, keep the following information/documents ready:

Mobile Number (to be verified through OTP)
Email ID (to be verified through OTP).
Aadhaar Number -if availableInformation about the Board, and Year of Passing the Matriculation (10th) Examination.
Scanned photo in .jps/.ipeg format less than 50 kbSignature. .jps/.ipeg format less than 20 kb  
1. The applicants will be shortlisted based on a system-generated merit list.
2. The Merit list will be prepared based on marks obtained in the 10th Class. Applications submitted without complete data will be rejected.
3. In case an applicant uploads wrong documents/information and unnecessary documents, his/her candidature will be rejected.  


1. The list of applicants shortlisted for engagement will be released by the Department on its website and GDS Online Portal.   Upon declaration of the results, the shortlisted candidates will be informed of the result and dates of physical verification, etc, through SMS on their registered mobile number as well as through email on the registered email addresses.  

2. The shortlisted candidates would be required to attend the designated authority for physical verification of documents. While attending for document verification the candidates will be required to carry the following documents in original and two sets of self-attested photocopies for submission, which may be:-  
Marks sheet 
Identity proof Caste certificate
PWD certificate
EWS Certificate
Transgender certificate
Date of Birth Proof Medical certificate issued by a Medical officer of any Government Hospital/Government Dispensaries/Government Primary Health Centre etc. (Compulsory)  Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in respect of knowledge of tribal/local dialects in case of engagement in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.  


1. The final selection of the shortlisted applicants will be subject to two-stage physical verification of the original documents, firstly by the Verifying Authority chosen by the applicant at the time of filling up the application.  

2. This will be further subject to second-stage verification by the Engaging Authority. The Engaging Authority for the post of BPM is the Divisional Head of the concerned Division and for other categories of posts, i.e., ABPM and Dak Sevak, the Engaging Authority is Sub Divisional Head/Unit Head. However, where the candidate has selected a Divisional Head for verification of documents, who happens to be, either the engaging authority himself or the Engaging Authority is immediately subordinate to him in the same Division/Unit, both, the first and second stage verification would be carried out by the that authority, which would expedite the process of verification of documents and the joining of the candidate on the posts.
Indian Post GDS Recruitment 2024

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